How Long is a Volleyball Game? Revealing The Exact Duration.


How long is a volleyball game? A standard volleyball match can last from 60 to 90 minutes to complete. A best 2-of-3 set game may last up to 90 minutes and a best 3-of-5 set may last from 90 minutes to 2 and half hours.  

There is no straightforward answer to this question as it depends upon other various factors such as tactics of the players, timeouts and breaks, intensity of the match and the number of sets played.

Volleyball Game Formats

How Long Is A Volleyball Game

To answer the question of how long is a volleyball game, we need to first understand the different formats of the game: 

In volleyball, there are 2 formats of the game, best 2-of-3 format and best 3-of-5 format.  Let’s discuss more about these formats.

Best 2-of-3 format:

In the best 2-of-3 format, a team has to win 2 sets out of 3 to win the match.  But in case if two teams score one point each, then it is called a tiebreaker and they need to play the third set.  If the game reaches the tiebreaker stage, it is played to 15 points instead of 25, and the team leading by 2 points is declared as the winner of the match.

Best 3-of-5 format:

In the best 3-of-5 format, a team that wins the first 3 points is declared as the winner.  If there is a tiebreak, that is if two teams score 2 points each, then they need to play the fifth set, which is played up to 15 points instead of 25 points and the team which scores 2 points more from the opposite team is declared as the winner of the match.

If 2 teams score 24 points each, then they need to continue the game until one team leads the other team by 2 points and is declared as the winner of that particular set.

Understanding About Sets in volleyball:

A volleyball match is often divided into sets. In each set, there is a defined amount of points. 

How Long is a Indoor Volleyball Game

Indoor volleyball games are played in a controlled setting, such as a gymnasium or a sports hall. They’re played in a best-of-three format.  Indoor volleyball matches can take anywhere from 60 to 120 minutes on average, with each set lasting around 20-30 minutes. The length of the match also depends upon the players’ skill level, the tempo of play, and the level of competition. 

How Long is a Beach Volleyball:

Beach volleyball games are played on the sand under the open sky.  They are played in the best two-of-three sets format. As they are played in sand, the average duration can range from 45 minutes to 90 minutes. 

How Long is a Volleyball Game in a High School  

High school volleyball is played in the best 2-of-3 format, so they can last from 60 to 90 minutes. 

How Long is a Volleyball Game in a College 

College volleyball is played in the best 3-of-5 format. They can last from 90 minutes to 2 hours.

How Long is a Professional Volleyball Game

Professional volleyball is played in the best 3-of-5 format. They can last from 45 minutes to 2 hours.

How Long is a Volleyball Game in the Olympics

Olympic volleyball is played in the best 3-of-5 format. They can last from 2 to 2.5 hours.

The length of volleyball games can vary depending on some factors like if the players in each are evenly matched, this might lengthen the game duration. 

The duration of the matches also depends upon several factors such as different environments and playing conditions.

What Is A Rally in Volleyball?

In volleyball, a rally starts as soon as a player from one team starts the serve, then a player from the opposite team receives the ball and passes to the first team. It involves passing, setting, blocking and digging over the net till the ball lands on the ground of a team. 

The team which successfully lands the ball on the ground of the opposite team scores a point.  In this way, the game goes on and If a player from a team makes any mistake like hitting the ball out of bounds or touching the net while playing a shot, then the opposite team wins a point.

The length of a volleyball also depends upon the time taken to complete the rallies.

What is a Timeout in Volleyball?

A time-out in volleyball is a temporary break during a game.  During timeouts coaches and players gather and discuss various strategies and plans what should be done in the next phase of the game to win the game.  A time-out helps a team to regain focus and to become mentally and physically strong during the match.

A time-out lasts anywhere from 30 seconds to one minute.  Sometimes, the duration of the timeout also depends upon the level of the game and certain rules of the competition.


The duration of a volleyball game can vary depending on several factors. While the length of a typical single volleyball game is 20 – 25 minutes long, most volleyball matches last between 60 and 90 minutes. The variables that affect the length of a volleyball game include the skill level of the players, team strategies, technological advancements, and rule modifications. By understanding these variables, we can improve the overall quality of play and the viewer experience.

How many periods does a volleyball game last?

There are three periods or sets in a standard volleyball game. Each set consists of 25 points. However, if a tie-breaker is needed, a fourth set may be played.

How many sets are played in Olympic volleyball?

In Olympic volleyball, the number of sets played varies depending on the type of volleyball game. In indoor volleyball, matches are played in a best-of-five-set format.

How long does a girls’ college volleyball game last?

Girls’ college volleyball games last between 60 and 90 minutes. However, it depends upon the number of sets played.

How long does a high school volleyball game last?

There is no specific duration. The duration of a high school volleyball game can vary depending on the level of play and competitiveness of the teams playing in the match.

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